Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Forgetful Friend
November 11, 2003

I see you today my companion
Know you deep,I become you
Ride those roads together
Push away and broke those walls

The bond that unites manhood and brotherhood
The trust that unites a warrior to its master
And the love that unites all good men

Will these beauties glitter forever like
a speck of precious diamond and as the decades past rapidly
will you know me well then like the way you know me now?
Or will I know you well then like the way I know you now?
Unable and unclear we are to see and perhaps unaware we are to see it then...

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Jaded Love:1999
Set my soul to peace
Serenity in your existence; and when that smile glows
Such tranquility and calm sets gently upon me

Too close for me to love
Still yet too far for me to grasp
Chucked tightly in my heart for I knew you"ll be here for my eyes
But in distance you"ll be for my heart...

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January 15, 2004

You"ve always made your presence felt
Saw a glow at the corner of my eye
Your scent laid me in calm

Gentle of your hand touches mine
The silk touch promises me tenderness
And that sweet smile is so a priceless masterpiece

Your soft lips caresses my skin
Such blessed touch rivets the union of a soul
Such greatness of a feeling no words can comprehend

My heart skips a beat, my soul took flight
I am happy, I am complete

But I woke up,
had a bad dream today

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The Trip
We all have our playgrounds we used to play and frolic in.
Mates we used to laugh and even fight with.
We grew and started to take the bus on our own.

The Journey starts there and ends anywhere we desire.
It takes us to unfound places and new people.

People we soon start to grow in us.
Moments and experiences that start to adhere into us that
makes the person we are and soon will become.
Soon after these people we feel and care for becomes our life.
The Journey now takes flight.

Time will work its nature and life will run its course.
The courses that we steer in seek for greater needs and thirst.
With more paths we take and avenues we make, the Journey
starts to toil a longer and isolated trip.

We dream of success but yet we do not recognize it.
By then the trips we took will be nothing but just a ride.
Eventually, the people on it will be merely passengers.
Will these people we took in our trips know us well like then?
Or do we take it in ourselves if it matters in life now?

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A river flows never from the ground
And the wind never blows to linger
Time ticks to greet the future
And justify the past
To comprehend being in state of dormant,
Spawns silent angst
Enduring enigma of untold regrets and remorse guilt
Lament is the only console the soul has set
Give path for time to whisk
And with age the chapters will be renewed

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Our Lovely World
The world is a crazy place
Driven by uncertainties in human"s grasp
The once peace toppled by anger and envy
The once seen in beauty destroyed by men"s ugliness
The once tolerated put down by no means of mercy

Families withered in age by its own blood
Friendships halt by lament and eroded love
Brothers that defined men died by lost time that flies
Sisters that beautify women uncharmed by world"s quests

Respect that once layered society tumbled in time
By human"s greed and ego that birth for none
We have turned human"s envy and deeds into fear
Fear that bottled into hate and tarnished all that is love in the world

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posted by OneTwoDelta on 10:45 AM

Monday, March 27, 2006
Grown Up

All this talk of growing up and posing the roles of a grown up has made me think about the evolution of friendships. This ideal perception can never be distinguished as sharply as how I used to remember it. The obscurities and eroded patience seems to hover above it. I used to recall the "no-strings attached" and perhaps the simplicity of it all. Carefree and integrity reflected very strongly.

I am speaking of the friendship that has embedded strongly in ones heart. The ones that you have with certain breed of people. The vivid senses and strong taste that you can recall in a moment shut of an eye. In essential to personality, you would probably have to be a sentimental person to have heightened that senses. Nevertheless, it was a reassuring pillar of its concept.

In particular, the process of such remembrance would occur in the growing up years, planted through our adventure in seeking our greater self. It has a strong sense of subtleness and an almost sense of frontier, when our ideas and ideals were debated upon. Even behind the diverse background we grew up in, the minds are amazingly alike. Language spoken and perspectives were laid upon in a single frequency, almost like we were psychics. The occasional clashes were swerved off track by the intricacy of our sub-conscious understanding and tolerance. Bad manners would leave no abrasions; it was the tremendous trust that spawns respect and love. It was just wonderful to be in a company that provokes debates and nonsense as part of making merry. It was easy. It was comforting.

I believe every sand that trickles from the hourglass matters. I also believe the hardened or clouded heart would relived its fuzziness when appreciation and the ability to cherish were realized. The construction of our early memories is probably based on time, moments and people we spent during our becoming years. "Can you remember me now like you remembered me then and can I remember you now like I remembered you then?". In perspective, sometimes we need to take a breather from our rat race and needless conflicts to enjoy the eternity of what pure we ought to live upon. Simplicity of love, appreciation and tolerance.

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The Garden of my Serene

The garden of colors, fresh and bright
Blessed facades of bliss cometh
For like when I imagined you to walk forth

The fresh fragrant of flowers and herbs
Close my eyes to indulge at its senses
For like when I know you to breath today

The beauty of the night sits among the oblivions
Glows bright in its own place
For like when I see you to smile among the stars

The breeze of the night blows relentless chills
Touches all that sits under earth"s skies
For like when I know we are never far

And if I can discover my precious serene
Let me lie in the garden of colors
Breathe its air of fresh fragrance
Feast my sight to its brightest stars
And feel dear the caresses of its breeze
posted by OneTwoDelta on 11:46 AM

Mind in Speech

If my mind can speak its penniless thoughts... Thank you for visiting.


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